What Will We Work On?
The first three to four sessions tend to be an assessment period where we work out together how your depression/anxiety patterns developed, and what is keeping them going in the here and now. We also use our assessment sessions to work out your goals, discuss how CBT could support you in moving towards these, and make an agreement together around the areas we will work on in therapy.
From here we will use established and evidence-based CBT methods to change patterns of thoughts and behaviours that may be feeding into your main problem and preventing you from reaching your goals.
We regularly check-in around how you feel you are progressing throughout, with full treatment reviews usually taking place every four sessions. I will ask you for feedback most every session and would encourage you to please let me know if you have any questions or concerns around the direction we are moving in at any point. We are a fifty-fifty team, and although I have been trained in CBT techniques, you are the expert in your experience, so when we can openly feedback and exchange ideas between us we can work out the most helpful course of action that will fit for you.
We will work together for a time and the overall goal is to empower you to learn and use these strategies for yourself. We have an understanding from the beginning that we are working towards eventually ending our therapy together once you have the tools to maintain your own wellbeing. This can be a great feeling when we get there but daunting at the beginning when we’re in the midst of our struggles, so please take this as reassurance that you can normally expect to discuss ending therapy a minimum of two sessions prior to the agreed end date. These conversations usually take place off the back of a treatment review where we decide whether you feel confident to continue using your skills, your goals are achieved or closely within reach, and/or you are feeling better in yourself.
How Many Sessions?
The total number of sessions we have together depends on the nature of the problem we are working on and our agreed treatment plan, however on average these range from six sessions to twenty sessions. Ending therapy before completing a planned course of treatment may decrease the effectiveness of therapy.
Sessions tend to last approximately sixty minutes and tend to take place on a regular weekly basis. The specific treatment protocols for some mental health presentations require the occasional ninety-minute session; In these instances, we will agree this in advance of that session.
How Much Do Sessions Cost?
Part of nurturing our alliance together involves setting clear boundaries around the payment for your sessions, so that you and I both know what to expect from each other.
To make my therapy business viable I charge £90 per session.
There is a ‘Payment, Cancellations and Missed Appointments’ section outlined in the treatment contract which we will agree before starting treatment together.
How We Meet
I am only offering online sessions via MS Teams at present. Please ensure you have a device with a camera, microphone and stable access to the internet.
Please also ensure you have a private space where we can conduct our sessions together.
Who Am I Trained To Work With?
I am trained to work with adults who are 18 years and over. My training and experience includes work with the LGBTQIA+ community, neurodivergent community (including Autism Spectrum Condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), older adults, students, and people of differing nationalities/ethnicities to myself.
Within my practice I work with common mental health conditions including but not limited to…
Our first few assessment sessions will help us work out whether I am the best person to help you. If this is not the case, I will always do my utmost to offer signposting, advice and/or resources that could be useful to you based on your individual assessment.
Unfortunately, I am not trained to undertake therapy with people actively experiencing symptoms of psychosis, anorexia, bulimia, bipolar, schizophrenia, anger management issues or personality disorders.
As a therapist based in Leeds, I am best placed to support people within this area, however I can offer services to those living in England who are registered with an English GP practice.